Start payment processing at smartkasse from

In, it is possible to start payment processing at the smartkasse - with a click - from This function can be used to serve customers who cannot start payment processing independently via QR code. For example, customers who want to pay spontaneously or who have not provided an email address. These instructions describe the process from the checkout staff's perspective.

This is how it works:

1) Log in to and select the appropriate organization.

2) Search for and open the customer transaction.

3) Ask the customer to go to the smartkasse and wait for the payment signal.

4) As soon as the customer has arrived at the smartkasse, start the process from and give the customer the signal to pay. Note: The customer now has 10 seconds to complete the next step.

5) Customer presses the green button on the terminal (card reader)

6) Customer sees the amount on the card reader and pays by card

Note: The customer does not receive any feedback from the smartkasse (screen remains black).

7) As soon as the customer is finished, you can press the “Done” button in and immediately receive a payment confirmation in


Note: It may take a few seconds for the payment confirmation to appear in Refresh the page if necessary.