Changes for sellers
Entering the customer number when creating a transaction creates a customer account
Customer accounts can be found under the menu item “Customer overview”
Fixed vIBAN per customer account
Incoming payments can be assigned manually
In the customer account to a transaction
In the sales account to a customer account or a transaction
Incoming payments can be manually unassigned
Required settings in the organization
Mandatory: Activate customer number in customer information
(customer fields)
Optional: Master data (company, first name, surname, address)
Entering the customer number when creating a transaction
When creating a transaction, the “Customer number” field in the customer information area must be filled in. The customer number can be transferred automatically by a system or entered via data entry in the mask. A customer account is created when a customer number is entered for the first time. A dedicated vIBAN is assigned to the customer account at this point. Every further transaction with this customer number in the same organization is assigned to the existing customer account. No new vIBAN is assigned.